I persuaded my friend Lukie to visit the 9 Dogs blog, so in honor of her visit, I'm posting a photo of Lukie's favorite breed, the Shi Tzu. Don't be fooled by the disguise. These are big, fierce, terrorist dogs in a small, cute, fluffy dog costume.
Awww Jean! Thank you for thinking of me and my love for the Shih Tzu! Acutally this little sweetheart you posted favors my baby Millie! Of course I love all animals but some how over the years the Shih Tzu won its place in my heart and my home!
Awww Jean! Thank you for thinking of me and my love for the Shih Tzu! Acutally this little sweetheart you posted favors my baby Millie! Of course I love all animals but some how over the years the Shih Tzu won its place in my heart and my home!
Speaking of baby Millie,would you please spell her complete name for me? I get confused every time I try.... Miwwiewiwwiesomethingsomething...?
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