I talk to the critters all day long (inbetween talking to myself). I ask them what their plans for the day are, why they did whatever bad thing they just did, what they're thinking about, whether they have a date for Friday night, whether they're looking forward to starting kindergarten, and so on. I'm afraid we have conversations during which I speak all the parts (using different voices).
Every time I feed Patch and the puppies, we discuss the menu. Something like this:
Jean says: What would you like for breakfast today? How about some blueberry pancakes? And lots of butter. Do you want maple syrup or blueberry syrup with that?
Dogs reply: (tail-wagging to express enthusiasm for the suggestion)
Jean says: Coming right up!
Meal served: plain puppy kibble, water on the side.
Jean says: How about macaroni and cheese for supper? With chunks of ham in it? Oh, you want some pickles with that too? OK, sounds good to me.
Dogs reply: (hurling themselves onto me to express enthusiasm for the suggestion)
Jean says: Hey, cool it, you guys. I haven't even boiled the water for the macaroni yet.
Meal served: plain puppy kibble, water on the side.
With Smoky (who I feed only in the morning because Mr. P. does it in the evening), the conversation goes like this:
Jean says: What flavor yummies do you want this morning? Mousey flavor? Bug flavor? Squirrel flavor?
Smoky says: Baby bunny flavor, please.
Jean says: No, we don't serve bunny flavor in this restaurant. It's against our religion.
Meal served: plain kitty kibble, water on the side.